Sunday, February 22, 2015

Botanical Garden Tsitsin

Botanical Garden Tsitsin in Moscow(Russia)

In Moscow there is a lot of very interesting places related to the history, culture or science. This city for centuries formed from a variety of trends, then falling into a radical Westernism, then developing their own unique architectural and cultural solutions. However, in both cases the Russian capital city remained, in some way, even a reference, which was not so much a place of beauty of nature. Even parks are very clearly defined and, so to speak, caught in the framework of streets and houses. However, there is a place in Moscow where you can touch the nature in its most amazing forms, - Botanical Garden RAS, located on the ENEA. He impresses with its lavish collection - about seventeen thousand plants - and size.

The idea to split lush gardens is not original, but such an ambitious plan - to create a unique nature reserve, combining demonstration of natural beauty and the best examples of landscape design with space for scientific work - there was a relatively long time. Back in the late thirties considered projects located in areas of Moscow Botanical Garden. In the forties there were already more or less concrete plans, but they were interrupted by the war. Construction was re-thought in the postwar years. Under the leadership of A.Schuseva and N.Tsitsina was a master plan construction, the implementation of which involved mainly in the fifties and seventies. However, the botanical garden is periodically updated and supplemented today. For example, in the early nineties efforts of scientists and landscape designers was recreated moorland with stones, fragments of whole rocks, dozens of species of heather, shrubs and dwarf conifers. It repeats its unique view of mountain ecosystems and is especially beautiful in autumn, when the heather blooms.

In the eighties, in the Botanic Garden Japanese architect worked. He posted this here old pagoda and a huge garden in traditional Japanese style, which included ponds, waterfalls, walkways, specially arranged stones and more than a hundred species of plants brought from the island of Hokkaido. There is a botanical garden and a rose garden, surrounded by huge oak trees that protect the delicate flowers from the harsh Russian weather. And the biggest exposure - is a huge arboretum, takes about six hundred acres, which collected several dozen examples of different landscapes from around the world.