Saturday, February 14, 2015

Observation Deck above the Turquoise Volcanic Lake

The Observation Deck above the Turquoise Volcanic Lake


Scenic crater of an active volcano, aquamarine waters of the lake, situated therein, and the endless sky above - what could be better travel in this wonderful place? Only the landscape, which can be considered in all its mind-blowing details! That's right, probably, thought the creators of the magnificent observation platform Quilotoa Shalalá, hanging over the crater itself Kilotoa in Ecuador. And they are not wrong, because the fantastic beauty of the picture, with the opening of the bridge inspection, attracts crowds of tourists from all over the world.
Observation deck is located in the westernmost part of the Ecuadorian Andes, near the town of Zumbahua. The place is amazing, because the volcanic lake located in the crater, has an unusual bright turquoise color - this is due to a large number of minerals, water coloring. The depth of the lake - 250 meters, and its bottom is constantly hot springs.

Naturally, this beauty every day come to see hundreds of interested persons, which created the need for construction in this location convenient inspection of the bridge. Project took architects Jorge Javier Andrade Benítez, Javier Mera Luna and Daniel Moreno Flores. Before them was a challenge - should develop a comfortable and safe observation platform, which is not to overload their presence around the magnificent nature.
The joint effort was found best, as it turned out, the decision: the most simple and convenient platform was built from wood and glass - these materials perfectly fit into the environment without disturbing the delicate harmony of nature. Supported this construction area of ​​616 square meters with the help of invisible steel cables.
In appearance the lookout bridge Quilotoa Shalalá somewhat resembles the deck - the same long, narrow boards, at least finish and only blue waves ahead. There's even a few broad steps going down which can be a little closer to the beautiful scenery, which lie at the bottom. Tourists love this place, so here you can often see amateur photographers, suiting photo shoot in the beautiful volcanic lake.

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