Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Incredible Rocks

Incredible rock-tent Kasha-Katuwe Tent Rocks (USA)

Our planet does not get tired to surprise humanity wonders of natural origin, some of whom are mysterious deserts, and unusual plants, and fantastic in its beauty ponds. Rightful place among the attractions of nature and geological formations occupy an unusual form, scattered to all corners of the earth. One such unique wonders located in the US state of New Mexico and is rather interesting name: "Rock-Tents (Tent rocks) Kasha-Katuwe Tent Rocks National Monument» (Kasha-Katuwe Tent Rocks).

Unusual cone-shaped rocks actually resemble their tents, and this has earned its name. This form of geological formations associated with volcanic activity of local mountains - where about 6-7 million years ago, there occurred eruption, the pumice, ash and tuff deposits were frozen in the form of multiple elevations. Next it was the wind and rain - for many thousands of years they have smoothed these deposits, vytachivaya of these unusual stone tents.

Being close to the rocks, in some places you can even see the volcanic glass - frozen once translucent rainfall rounded shape. The height of the formation of different kinds - some of these cliffs up to 30 meters; their color is mostly light. By the way, in the language of the local Aboriginal people, "Kasha-Katuwe Tent Rocks National Monument" means "white cliffs". Pueblo Indian tribes first settled this region more than 7000 years ago, and since then on the rocks left a lot of characters and drawings, in which scientists monitor and study the lifestyle and culture of these peoples.

In 2001, Bill Clinton, who performed duties while the US president, awarded the rocks Kasha-Katuwe Tent Rocks National Monument National Monument status. Today the entrance there is open only during the day and is paid for many tourists. This historical monument is managed by the community-Pueblo Indians, who with the permission of the US government has been building an entire infrastructure for climbing and leisure; also established hiking trails of varying difficulty.

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