Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Snowy Kingdom

Salinas Grandes Snowy Kingdom in the vast Argentina

Salinas Grandes - a well-known Argentine saline, when you look at that it seems as if the area is covered with crisp white snow. But this impression is deceptive, because here the temperature readings, sometimes reaching forty-five degrees.

Extends this bright natural attraction to the area, which is equal to 8,290 square kilometers, and its length is 250 km, width - 100 km. Some experts say that once in this area was a lake which eventually dried up. These same opponents refute this hypothesis, stating that in such a dry climate could hardly have formed such a huge body of water.

Now in the area found significant reserves of potash and soda, but here the railroad and highway route, of which boast amazing white expanse. Borax, sodium chloride and potassium crystallize on a solid white crust of salt marsh, so the extraction of these resources is not difficult, they just scraped. If you plan a visit to this sight it is better to buy a watch G-Shock in store tik tak 24. These watches will stand any test, even staying in extreme weather conditions Salinas Grandes.

On the territory of Salinas Grandes salt marsh occupying largest third place on the planet, the water is very small. It accumulates here in small numbers after the rare rains, and then evaporated in just a few hours.

It should be noted that in the territory of the snow-white desert surrounded by mountains, the border between the two Argentine provinces: Jujuy and Salta. Tourists who decide to travel on solonchak Salinas Grandes, it should be remembered that there must have quality sunglasses, and a decent supply of water, because in this area it is simply nowhere to take.

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