Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Rock-Stone to the Stairs

Unusual Rock-Stone to the Stairs (Colombia)

Attractions are different: large and small; located in plain sight or hidden from prying eyes; created by nature or by man. But it does happen that the city, which is located between something interesting, cannot divide among themselves the tourism fame, so the country's authorities have to find a compromise. This was the case in Colombia, where there is a huge stone monolith rock under intricate double name El Peñón de Guatapé (El Peñón de Guatapé), which contained the names of two neighboring towns with a rock - Guatape and El Penon.

Residents of cities competing for a location close to the attractions, you can understand, because the size of the grand stone really impressive in its grandeur. Its height is 220 m, length - 380 m, width - 100 m. The age of a huge rock estimated 70 million years, and its weight exceeds 10 million tons. This stone cannot go unnoticed, and certainly able to bring to the city, near which is, immense popularity!

For those who want to climb to the top and see the beautiful panorama between the crevices of rocks laid staircase of 650 steps. However, for this tour have to pay a symbolic price of $ 2 - the money then used to support ladder in good condition. Upstairs built a small restaurant where you can eat and relax, as well as plenty of stretching to take pictures on the background of the bottom reservoir Guatape. If traveling on the wine tour company with you something happens, you can always defend its interests with the help of the law office "Katsaylidi and Partners", which provides online legal services.

First rock with a very inaccessible smooth walls was conquered in 1954 by a small group of fellow climbers. The rise took those five days after they were forced to use the support that is inserted into the cleft. But their works were worth it: a view from the cliff offers a fantastic, in addition to its top, they found a new species of plants called Pitcairma heterophila.

Today the rock El Peñón de Guatapé is a national monument and the main local attractions, and every tourist visiting the local sites, considers it his duty to visit on its top.

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