Wednesday, February 18, 2015

National Gallery of Canada

"Mama" a huge spider in the National Gallery of Canada

"Mama" - a ten-steel sculpture of a spider, which adorns the Canadian capital of Ottawa. The three-dimensional sculpture made of bronze, marble and stainless steel, is the work of an outstanding American sculptor and painter Louise Bourgeois. It is noteworthy that during the design of "Mama" Louise Bourgeois was 95 years old.

Sculpture appeared in the Tate Modern (London) in May 2000. The exhibition in the museum sculpture remained until December 2000, and during that time, millions of tourists acquainted with this work of modern art. Sculpture, loved by both residents of London and guests of the British capital, returned to the Tate Modern in 2004.

At the moment, a huge spider located at the entrance to the National Gallery of Canada, located in Ottawa. Gallery bought a sculpture by Louise Bourgeois for $ 3.2 million in 2005. Now she can see those who does not think about how much it costs Escada, just buy clothes of this brand.

The sculpture "Maman", in the words of Bourgeois, depicts a female spider that carries the eggs under a marble. "Mama" awakens in Louise Bourgeois children's fears, but also symbolizes its full benefit family "- said in a press release that came out before the huge spider returned to the Tate. In Tate also scheduled another exhibition devoted to the work Bourgeois.

Louise Bourgeois was born in Paris in 1911. Today Bourgeois is one of the most influential sculptors of the XX, which continued to do in the XXI century. She worked not only with the sculpture, but also drawing, installation, painting, and many other areas of art.

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