Saturday, February 14, 2015

James Johnson (USA)

House Mushroom a Creative approach James Johnson


In 1972, the park Powder Mills, is a landmark in American town of Rochester, after two years of painstaking work was completed extraordinary house that looks very similar to a mushroom. Initiated the construction of this architectural masterpiece here was James Johnson, inspired, as if it may sound strange, the beauty of the flower, which has no less wondrous name - "Queen Anne's Lace."
Consisting of a number of segments, the bottom leaves resembling lilies, mushroom house is attached to a support made ​​in the form of the stem. It is worth noting that during its construction repeatedly encountered a lot of problems, yet it could not affect the quality of work. If you wish to look at this miracle of human thought, buy cheap Any Travel.
The first lucky owners of this unusual structures were spouses An tell, who, incidentally, have been actively involved in its construction. Later mushroom house will repeatedly change their masters. The time will come when he will return to the former owners, though this change of its owners will not end. Last time he was again resold in 2012, but for some reason, and these people will soon declared their readiness to sell it.
In common resale homes fungus can also see some positive moments, because each new owner was trying to make his appearance, albeit minor, but innovation.
In contrast to the owners of this house both former and present, interest in it never fades away from the park visitors who wish to keep as a souvenir some original photographs taken by the house-fungus.