Sunday, February 8, 2015

Tome in Toledo (Spain)

Church of San Tome in Toledo


One of the most interesting attractions of Toledo is the church of Sao Tome. It seems to be nothing special in this building is not, but, nevertheless, it attracts thousands of tourists here. Relax on the Black Sea resorts are not less popular, especially as the tourist attractions in the region set.

This church was built after King Alfonso VII Toledo managed to win the Arab conquerors. As was customary at that time, it altered the mosque, making the building in a popular then Mudejar style. Its most interesting architectural detail - the bell tower of the fourteenth century, built of brick and similar to the Muslim minaret. The building of the church is not particularly stands out: it is a simple form and unremarkable. Church altars made in Plateresque and Baroque.
But, nevertheless, tourists flock to this architectural monument, and all because of one of the chapels you can see a picture of the artist El Greco, "The Burial of the Count of Orgaz". The greatest artist created this painting especially for the church of San Tome. Here is a work of art is stored for more than 400 years, during which time it has never left the confines of the church. The artist worked on it from 1586 to 1588, but has not been able to finish it. It is believed that this picture - his most famous work, and this is the best job in the whole portrait of medieval Spain.
According to an ancient legend, when in 1312 he died a rich philanthropist Don Gonzalo Ruiz de Toledo, who helped with money and the church, his funeral was attended St. Stephen Augustine. In the lower area of ​​the picture shows the solemn and mournful scene burial. Faith can see Christ, who, together with the saints meets soul of the deceased. What is interesting, the participants funeral Mass - is not just invented the face, and portraits of real people, his contemporaries, members of the nobility. On the left side you can see the paintings and the artist himself in the image of a knight, and the image next to him the little page - this is his ten year old son Jorge Manuel. On the headscarf, which looks out from his pocket a boy, you can read the year of his birth. In this picture, the master surpassed himself. Nowhere before El Greco could not so well convey sadness, grief, and his saints - is the embodiment of the highest spiritual beauty.

The Church of Sao Tome has become a real place of pilgrimage and still attracts tourists because only here they can admire the masterpieces of world art, which is considered one of the most important works of El Greco.

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